CHERESO (Chemical Resources), the manufacturer of Alpha Yohimbine/Rauwolscine and other innovative ingredients for various health applications like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Prostate, Glucose Levels, Metabolism, and Men’s Health, has been granted U.S. Patent No. 10,730,869 B2 under the title:
“Process for Extracting Alpha Yohimbine (Rauwolscine) from Rauwolfia Species”
Alpha Yohimbine/Rauwolscine is being manufactured by CHERESO since the year 2008-2009.
Alpha Yohimbine/Rauwolscine was first isolated in the year 1956 and was published in ‘THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE’ vide No. N Engl J Med 1956; 255:646-650 DOI: 10.1056/NEJM195610042551404 dated October 04, 1956.
Alpha Yohimbine/Rauwolscine was not in use as NO COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION was available.
CHERESO developed in its R&D facility with a team of highly qualified professionals, Alpha Yohimbine & Rauwolscine from plant-based resources in the year 2008-2009 and succeeded in the commercial launch of this ingredient.
It is almost 13 years now CHERESO is able to meet the demand of Industries with its US Business Associate – CEPHAM INC. (www.cepham.com).
It is advised that the USERS/IMPORTERS of Alpha Yohimbine/Rauwolscine may kindly ensure that there is no infringement of the said patent.
For any other queries, email us at info@chereso.net